Wastewater Collection and Treatment

The primary responsibility of Cape’s wastewater utility is to operate and maintain the system that collects, treats, and disposes of sewage generated within the city. Maintenance of our collection system was contracted to Alliance Water Resources on March 1, 2022 and the treatment process continues to be managed by city employees. Our sewer division maintains around 225 miles of sewer lines. The majority of these lines run by gravity flow. There are numerous lift stations throughout the city which pump the sewage when gravity flow doesn’t work. All waste in the sewer system eventually ends up at the wastewater facility to be treated, tested and discharged back into the environment.
Cape’s new Wastewater Facility became operational in December 2014. It is the largest one in Southeast Missouri and one of the most advanced in Missouri. The opening of the new facility increased daily flow capacity from 7 million gallons per day (MGD) to 11 MGD, and peak flow from 18 MGD to 50 MGD. If you would like to tour our facility, contact
Todd Fulton, Wastewater Plant Manager, at 573-339-6641.