Residents, visitors, and businesses pay various types of taxes to a variety of taxing entities to support public services. In Cape Girardeau, sales tax is a critical source of revenue for the city government to provide infrastructure, safety and quality of life services.
Sales Taxes
The sales tax rate is 8.475% in the city of Cape Girardeau, of which, the City of Cape Girardeau municipal government collects a 2.75% sales tax.
City taxes apply to online purchases called a "
Use Tax".
Special Tax Districts
Property owners typically initiate these districts through a petition. Eligible voters within the affected district vote to establish the district. Those within the district oversee the use of funds through their boards.
- Community Improvement Districts (CID)
A CID is either a separate political subdivision with the power to impose a sales tax, a special assessment or a real property tax, or a nonprofit corporation with the power to impose special assessments.
- Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Applies some taxes, or consumer-paid taxes, to pay for re/development in a “TIF" district.
- Transportation Development District (TDD)
A Transportation Development District (TDD) may be created to fund, promote, plan, design, construct, improve, maintain, and operate one or more transportation-related projects or to assist in such activity.

VIEW MAP of all Taxing Districts (must open "Layers" then enable "Districts" and "Special Taxing Districts" layers while zoomed in). Read more about these economic development and incentive tools at
811 Broadway TIF (MAP)
Bloomfield Crossing CID (MAP)
Cape Dogwood CID (MAP)
Dogwood CID (MAP)
1% Sales Tax
Downtown CID (MAP)
0.5% Sales Tax
(Downtown) Special Business
District (MAP)
Property Tax
Downtown TIF District (MAP)
Esquire Theater TIF (MAP)
Midamerica Crossing TDD (MAP)
Sales Tax 1%
North Middle Broadway TIF (MAP)
Silver Springs CID (MAP)
Sales Tax 1%
South K TDD (MAP)
Special Business District #2 SBD (MAP)
Town Plaza CID (MAP)
1% Sales Tax