Pothole Patching

patching is especially needed after a heavy winter. Water tunnels under
streets through defects caused by traffic, then freezes and expands
making the pavement also expand and weaken. When the ice melts, there is
sometimes a void left under the street. As traffic travels over the
weakened pavement, it breaks and forms potholes.
During the summer and warmer months, potholes are patched using our
pothole patching machine. This machine blows debris out of the hole,
sprays in a tacky oil substance then sprays on aggregate. Loose gravel
is then swept away and traffic can resume almost instantly.
Unfortunately, this process works best during warmer months. During the
cooler season, we go “old school” shoveling cold mix asphalt from the
back of a truck into the hole for what usually ends up being a temporary
fix. The goal is to make quick improvements until a longer lasting
renovation can be funded.