Street repairs are managed by two departments supported by multiple funding sources. The Transportation Trust Fund information follows. To see all street repair information and a list of recent, current, and upcoming projects visit

Thank you, Cape Girardeau, for approving this program for the fifth time since 1995! According to the County's unofficial results, 76% of voters approved the renewal August 4, 2015.

The Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) is a transportation sales tax (0.5%; a half-cent per dollar spent) approved by voters of Cape Girardeau every five years since 1995. All TTF revenue goes into a fund solely used to complete identified street repair and transportation improvement projects. TTF projects are funded on a “pay-as-you-go” basis, so money is never borrowed to fund projects. Prior to the renewal vote August 2015, the tax was set to automatically expire on December 31, 2015. The final project list included input from a TTF5 Subcommittee and public input. The plan also:
  • Keeps the tax the same
  • Keeps Cape moving
  • Keeps streets in good shape
Transportation Trust Fund Projects High Priority Asphalt and Concrete Repair Areas

Keep the Tax the Same

On August 4, 2015, three of every four voters decided to renew the tax for another five years. Thus, the tax will remain at the current rate of one-half of one percent until voters will be asked again to renew in five years.

Keep Cape Moving

Transportation Trust Fund ProjectsOver the 20-year life of TTF, many street projects critical to the growth of our city have been completed including: several phases of Bloomfield Road, widening Mt. Auburn, Veterans Memorial Drive, Silver Springs, and Broadway are just a few of the streets completed via TTF. This map shows just the major projects completed from TTF-1 through TTF-4.
City-wide TTF street repairs for the last 20 years could not be reflected in the map. Every corner of the City has benefited from TTF. As the tax is collected, projects are delivered on time and on budget. To keep Cape moving, City street officials have proposed that voters consider extending this successful program for another five years.

Keep Streets in Good Shape
Most our streets are in fair or better condition, but we have a lot of work to do to keep our roads in good shape. From the 2012 citizen survey to regular street issue reports from residents, it is very clear that we need to invest in preserving Cape Girardeau streets. The TTF5 plan includes major safety and traffic renovation in addition to general repair.
Specific Projects…………$12.4 Million
Fountain Street, Sloan Creek Bridge, Independence Street, Sprigg Street, West End Blvd., Lexington Ave., Main Street (View Map, List)

General Projects…………$ 9.12 Million
Street Repair, Sidewalks, Streetlights, etc.
(View Map of High Priorities)

Safety/Contingency….…$ 2.47 Million

            Total Revenue = $ 24 Million (Expected Tax Revenue)

Since TTF-5 was approved, $3.2 million originally intended for the Armstrong Drive project from TTF-3 can be used for Neighborhood Street Repairs (see high priority map)
                      Total Revenue = $ 24 Million (Expected Tax Revenue)      
                                               +  3.2 Million (Neighborhood Repairs)
                                               $27.2 Million for street repair, improvement

Voter-Approved on Aug. 4, 2015

Print Brochure
TTF5 Project List and Detail
Download TTF Presentation
Download TTF Project Map
View High-Priority Repairs 

TTF5 Specific Projects
Fountain Street*
Sloan Creek Bridge
Independence Street
Sprigg Street
West End Boulevard
Lexington Avenue
Main Street** 

* The Fountain Street project was not completed because of subsurface issues in the existing right of way. Funds were transferred to support other street projects. 

** Main Street work anticipated to begin in 2025

About Your Streets

A small crew maintains more than 230 miles of streets and 22 miles of alleyways.  

Official Ballot Language
PROPOSITION Shall the City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, extend the imposition of the City’s existing Transportation Trust Fund sales tax of one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) beyond its current expiration date for the purposes of providing revenues for street improvement and maintenance projects? This one-half of one percent sales tax extension shall expire on December 31, 2020. YES [ ] NO [ ]