Street repairs are managed by two departments supported by multiple
funding sources. The Transportation Trust Fund information follows. To
see all street repair information and a list of recent, current, and upcoming projects visit
Cape Girardeau voters approved the third Transportation Trust Fund (TTF-3) on August 2, 2005 (81.6% approval). This allowed for the continuation of a 0.5% (one half-cent) sales tax in which all revenue solely used to complete transportation improvement projects.
Download map of TTF-3 projects
About Transportation Trust Fund
Projects completed with funds from the sales tax collected under th
e TTF-3 program included the following:
Specific Projects
- Mt. Auburn Road (Independence Street to Kingshighway)
- Bloomfield Road - Phase IV (Stonebridge Drive to Benton Hill Road)
- Armstrong Drive (Siemers Drive to William Street)*
- Sprigg Street (Highway 74 to William Street)
- Big Bend Road (North End to Flint Hill Street)
- Veterans Memorial Drive (Kingshighway to Scenic Drive)
- LaSalle Avenue (Interstate 55 at new Interchange 102 to Route W)
- Fountain Street - Phase II (Morgan Oak Street to William Street)
- Kingshighway to Cape Rock Drive right turn lane
* Funds intended for Armstrong will instead be used to fund neighborhood street repairs during the TTF5 cycle as approved by voters in 2015.
General Projects
- Existing street paving
- Street, curb and gutter repairs
- Sidewalk repairs
- New sidewalk construction
Below: LaSalle Avenue (Interstate 55 at new Interchange 102, connecting to Route W).