Street repairs are managed by two departments supported by multiple
funding sources. The Transportation Trust Fund information follows. To
see all street repair information
and a list of recent, current, and upcoming projects visit

Cape Girardeau voters first approved a Transportation Trust Fund (TTF-1) tax on August 8, 1995, with 67.8% approval, marking the beginning of a 0.5% (one half-cent) sales tax in which all revenue solely used to complete transportation improvement projects.
The first projects included the list below.
Download map of TTF-1 projects
About Transportation Trust Fund
- Expanded Paving Overlay Program (Additional $400,000 per yer)
- Pave Remaining Gravel Streets (Based on approximately 2 miles remaining after 8/1995)

- Street, Curb and Gutter Repair (Additional $375,000 per year)
- Sidewalk Repair and Reconstruction ($125,000 per year)
- Perryville Road: Near Meyer Drive to City Limits (Hanover Church)
- Hopper Road - Phase I: New alignment from Mt. Auburn Road west to Kage Road
- Silver Springs Road: William Street (Route K) north to Independence Street
- Bloomfield Road - Phase I: Christine Street east to Spring Street
- Broadway: Widening and reconstruction from Clark Street east to Perry Avenue
- Mt. Auburn Road: Widening to full four lanes - William Street to Independence Street & Traffic Signals at Independence Street Intersection
- New Route 74 Connections: South Fountain Street - Morgan Oak to New Highway 74 (Connection); Mt. Auburn Road: Bloomfield Road south to new Highway 74; Siemers Drive: Bloomfield Road to New Highway 74 (Connection); Silver Springs Road: Bloomfield Road south to New Highway 74
- Bloomfield Road - Phase II: Kingshighway west to I-55
- Hopper Road - Phase II: Kage Road to I-55
- William Street: General improvements and/or widening Sprigg Street to Main Street
- Mt. Auburn Road/Southern Expressway Extensions: Mt. Auburn Road: from New Highway 74 south to Silver Springs Road; Mt. Auburn Road: from Kingshighway at Southern Expressway extension west to Silver Springs Road
- Independence Street: Reconstruction of Pacific Street to Sprigg Street, including intersections
- New Madrid Street: Reconstruction from Perry Avenue east to and including realignment of Henderson intersection
- Rodney Street: new Cape LaCroix Creek bridge and reconstruction from National Guard Armory north to Hawthorne
Below: The 1990s view of Silver Springs Road construction looking south from Independence Street towards William Street and Saint Francis Medical Center.