Historic Preservation Commission Issues Call for Nominations for 2024 Endangered Buildings List

Historic Preservation Commission
Issues Call for Nominations for
2024 Endangered Buildings List
The Cape Girardeau Historic Preservation Commission is now accepting
nominations for its 2024 Endangered Buildings List. The Commission
first introduced the list in 2012 to promote awareness of buildings and
structures in the community that, in the opinion of the Commission, have
historic value and are believed to be at risk of being lost due to
significant deterioration and/or imminent demolition.
Nominations must include all of the following: 1) the building address
or, if there is no address, an adequate description of the location; 2)
an explanation of the building’s historic significance; 3) an
explanation of why the building is endangered; 4) suggested actions that
could be taken to save the building; and 5) at least one photo of the
building in its current condition (PDF, JPEG or TIFF format only for
electronic submissions).
The deadline for submitting a nomination is March 8, 2024. The
Commission will review the nominations on March 20, 2024 and adopt the
list on April 17, 2024. Both meetings are open to the public and will
be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 44 North
Lorimier Street (subject to change).
To obtain a nomination form, download the form below, visit
cityofcape.org/HPC or stop by the Planning Services Division at City Hall. Completed
nomination forms may be submitted by email to
[email protected] or by mail to: Cape Girardeau Historic
Preservation Commission, 44 North Lorimier Street, Cape Girardeau,
Missouri 63701.
For questions, please contact the Planning Services Division by phone at
(573) 339-6327 or by email at
[email protected].