The Cape Girardeau Police Department has designated two parking stalls in front of Police Headquarters (2530 Maria Louise Lane) as a Safe Exchange Zone. This area is designated for any type of exchange the public may need, including custody exchanges and online buying and selling of merchandise.
The Safe Exchange Zone is available to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Safe Exchange Zone is under 24-hour video surveillance to provide extra protection to the public. During periods of inclement weather, the police department lobby is also available Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. as a Safe Exchange Zone to make the same exchanges.
Tips for Online Purchases
* Ask a lot of questions if you decide to meet with a prospective buyer or seller
* Disable all location services on your technology devices
* Do not meet someone alone. Take a family member of friend with you
* Do not meet someone you are not familiar with in an unfamiliar location
* Always let someone know where you are going, what you are doing, and what time you are meeting
* Do not meet at your home and never agree to transactions occurring at night
* Do not provide personal or financial information
* Do not reveal personal information, location information or other items which may attract online predators
* Do not send digital photographs with embedded global positioning system (GPS) data
* Call 911 immediately in an emergency