Consider participating in our Citizen
Academy! Academy sessions take place twice yearly, currently starting in
March and September, requiring an approximate two-hour time commitment
each week for eight weeks.
Fall 2021 Citizen Academy Schedule
Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. for up to two hours unless otherwise noted
- Orientation/Budget - Sept. 9
- Airport, Economy & Jobs - Sept. 16
- Public Works, Engineering, Streets - Sept. 23
- Fire Department- Sept. 30
- Police Department - Oct. 7
- Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Oct. 14
- Civic Leadership, Neighborhoods - Oct. 21
- Graduation at Council Meeting - Monday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m.
We want you to know the people and programs that run behind the scenes in Cape Girardeau. When you graduate, we hope you'll be eager to start or join a neighborhood group, apply for our advisory boards, or even run for City Council!
Applicants will be confirmed by Aug. 5. APPLY NOW