TTF-6 Street Priority Meetings Sept. 18 & 25, Survey Online

The Transportation Trust Fund
(TTF) is a transportation sales tax (0.5%, a half-cent per dollar
spent) that has been renewed by voters every five years since it was
first approved in 1995. TTF projects are funded on a "pay-as-you-go"
basis so that no money is borrowed to fund the projects. This tax
spreads the cost of improvement projects to everyone who uses the
streets instead of just Cape Girardeau property owners. TTF revenue is
only used to complete identified transportation improvement projects.
Transportation Trust Fund 6 (TTF-6) – Public Input – Vote April 2020
Join us anytime for either of these open house public meetings about TTF-6 and help prioritize projects.
Read more about the projects and thank you for taking the the survey at