View the map of scheduled TTF projects through 2020.
Learn more about the Transportation Trust Fund sales tax that funds street repair.
Asphalt overlay and concrete street repair are two of the ways the City of Cape Girardeau works to maintain streets and alleyways.
Asphalt overlay work includes milling or patching of the existing roadway, a two-inch asphalt overlay, portions of curb and gutter reconstruction, sidewalk reconstruction, and possible tree removal in the City's right-of-way.
Concrete Street Repair work includes the removal and replacement of existing concrete roadway. This can include sidewalk and driveway reconstruction, and possible tree removal in the City right-of-way.
Asphalt Overlay -- The locations for the work to be performed under the Asphalt Overlay Project are:
- Bessie Street from Keller Avenue to the Caruthers Avenue
- Merriwether Street from Henderson Avenue to Benton Street
- Benton Street from Independence Street to William Street
- Third Street from Water Street to Main Street
- Water Street from Second Street to Fourth Street
- Brink Avenue from Albert Street to the dead end
- Spring Avenue from Montgomery Street to Brink Avenue
- Locust Street from Ellis Street to Pacific Street
- Ellis Street from Elm Street to Hickory Street
- Stoddard Avenue from Missouri Avenue to Perry Avenue
- Kingsway Drive from Kurre Lane to the End of the concrete
- Lakeshore Drive from Perryville Road to the end of the asphalt
- and the horseshoe parking lot located at the Shawnee Park
Concrete Repair --The locations for the Concrete Street Repair 2018 work to be performed are:
- Scenic Drive from Prospect to East View Ridge
- Belleridge Pike from Lexington Avenue to Lee
- Freemont Drive from Lake Wood Drive to Bernice Street
- Autumn Drive and Nottingham Lane intersection
- North Hanover Street from Themis Street to Independence Street
- Good Hope Street from South Minnesota Avenue to South Missouri Avenue
- South Louisiana Avenue from William Street to Bloomfield Street
- Cousin Street from South Louisiana Avenue to South West End Boulevard
- South Frederick Street from Jefferson Avenue to College
- South Ellis Street from Pear Street to Maple Street
- South Pacific Street from Elm Street to Locust Street
- Hackberry Street from South Benton Street to South Pacific Street
About Street Maintenance & Repair
The Public Works Department Street Maintenance Division coordinates with the Development Services Department to maintain around 233 miles of streets and 22 miles of alleyways. This is roughly the same distance as a drive to St. Louis and back. General maintenance is done by the Street Division, while new construction and management of the Transportation Trust Fund program are handled by Development Services. The Street Division is constantly repairing potholes as the need exists and resources are available to perform the repair. Also, Street Division is repairing concrete street patches as resources allow. Weather also plays a big part in keeping our streets maintained. In addition to street repairs, the Street Maintenance Division is responsible for:
- Removes limb debris from City right-of-way after major storms
- Mows nearly 600 acres of right-of-way several times each year
- Provides weed control around signs, guardrails, and poles
- Removes dead and diseased trees, and trims trees along City streets and alleys
- Operates two mechanical street sweepers
- Provides street inspections for right-of-way/excavation permits
- Evaluates more than 100 miles of street yearly to record pavement conditions
- Maintains and manages database for street pavement conditions
- Provides snow removal and pre-treats roadways for winter weather