Week Four – Training the Next Generation 
Well-trained, knowledgeable, and experienced building inspectors are absolutely necessary to ensure structures are built safe, sanitary, secure, functional, and sustainable. Due to retirement of the current work force, employment of building inspectors is projected to grow substantially over the next several years.

Building Inspectors must be knowledgeable and experienced in the construction field. They must have excellent organizational and people skills. Inspectors must be able to work with limited supervision in all types of weather conditions. They must also be able to reason with and convince contractors to complete code compliant work.

If you think you may be interested in a career as a building inspector, review the brochure available at the link below. Following up with your local career center or city Inspections office may also prove useful.

May you and your family stay safe!

Gary Hill
Building & Code Enforcement Manager

Posted by beth.little On 27 May, 2020 at 10:01 AM  

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